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ITA developed AutoTow to overcome the issues with these basic spreading methods. Happach notes the Tape Center works mostly with 24K, 50K and 60K tow (which he notes is from Mitsubishi ) because the spreading effects are highest. “We can reach higher production speeds of up to 100 m/min because we can rotate the individual spreader bars at up to 80 m/min,” he explains. “Thus, the relative speed is 20 m/min, which is good for spreading without filament damage.” Happach points out that because the input roving/tow has variations, the width of the output spread tow also varies. “With prepreg tapes, suppliers simply cut off the edges. But we started with dry, bindered tape, which has much less resin, so it is too hard to cut the edges.” Happach’s team realized they needed a better means to control the spreading width. “We use cameras to measure the width going in and coming out of the spreader,” he explains. “An algorithm uses this width measurement, the process speed and certain known factors about each material to calculate and control the speed of each of the 5 rotating bars to continuously adjust the tape width. We can reduce the variation to less than 1 millimeter.” AutoTow integrated width control using camera measurement to reduce width variation to less than 1 mm. SOURCE: ITA Tape Center, RWTH Aachen University. “We are also able to adjust the wrapping angle of the roving around each spreading bar,” Happach continues, “but not in real-time.” So, this is more like a calibration for each production run. “Everything else is done in-line,” he contends. “If you want to go from 25 mm to 30 mm in spread tow width, just enter that number and within a few seconds it will change during production, and at high-speed, even 100 m/min.” The goal of the ITA Tape Center is to have the full tape process chain in order to support industry development.
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