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Leanne Wood Much was made on Tuesday of Rhun ap Iorwerth's remarks denying any plan to challenge ธุรกิจขายตรง ออนไลน์ Leanne Wood , but here's some context. Plaid have an official window whereby any member of the assembly group can put their names forward for the leadership. It comes around every two years and it's open for another three weeks. Image caption Rhun ap Iorwerth insisted he had "no plans" to challenge Ms Wood The party also have a weekly news briefing with journalists, each member of the group taking it in turn to appear. What an opportune time it was to ask Mr ap Iorwerth about his intentions. "No plans to challenge" he said, as question after question honed in on the same subject. Some took it to be a categorical assurance that he wouldn't challenge Leanne Wood. "Plans" change, of course, and I suspect they changed 24 hours later. That's when an emboldened Leanne Wood said she would "welcome" a challenge .
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